Welcome to our Adventure!!!

Recently I suffered a heart attack and felt I needed to do something to improve my health. So I decided to walk across the US!. Who knows how far I'll get . I hope that I don't give up before the walk is complete. I have a job http://www.adventureamerica.com/ and I write books http://www.doorwaytozahr.com/, so I'm not able to do the walk on a continues basses. But I restart exactly where I leave off each time. With Alex taking care of logistics and drop off and pick up at the end of the walk each day. Come join us! We would welcome other walkers.
Have a good one!

Mike and Alex

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rescue to Placerville

3/16/10 Had a very difficult walk today. Managed to do 10 miles but because we climbed in that 10 miles 1000 feet of elevation higher I guess I got wore out. It goes to show I'm not all the way healed from the heart attack or else not healed from taking poor care of my health in the first place. Any rate we manage to make it from the town of Rescue to the town of Placerville. We talked to several people on the walk. This is the home town of Jackie and a couple of times people noticed her and pulled their cars over to talk to her and me. It was a nice walk besides being so tiring for some reason. We found nineteen cents.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Mike, I'm really enjoying your adventure. It was nice seeing you in your pics We haven't seen you in years. I'm enjoying reading your blog as yuu travel. I now have a file on my pc and I am saving all your pics along your travels. I showed this site to your Uncle Don, and he really likes it too. Says....good job Mike. I really enjoyed both of the books you gave me. YOu are really quite talented. Looking forward to more. Thanks for the email telling me about this site. I will keep up with your travels when you continue on. But remember to stay healthy. Love to you and your family
    Aunt Dottie and Uncle Don
