Alex and I departed at about noon on December 23rd from the water's edge on Dillon beach California. Perfect weather , walked to perhaps 300 yards short of twin bridges road total of about 9 miles in three hours, not bad for a first try. Saw 5 deer, and beautiful view of the ocean from up on the ridge. stopped and looked at the grave yard in Tamales. Stopped at big rock in a grove of eucalyptus trees just before twin bridges road, hope to continue exactly from here on next leg. I found 12 cents.

there was a light rain out when we started off today at approxemently 10am I used Alex's coat as it had a hood and he used mine , he put some plastic on his head, lol. was a rather quite walk not much of interest we saw 3 deer and at least 4 dead deer having been hit by cars. we came within 2 miles of the edge of Petaluma. we walked a total of 9.3 in about 3;38 minutes. I found 28 cents.